Differences in Graduation Rates

I personally was never one to care about the success rate of a school, because I knew that the amount of success I would achieve individually would be exceptional. The article points out more of the flaws in how colleges are collecting data rates, however I feel the article did not get to the true reason for graduation rate differences. I hear the phrase “School is not for everyone,” so often, and it was not until I graduated from high school that I realized this to be true. Growing up, school was an easy task for me, even though I did not like it. I believe that the key to being successful in school is to be able to understand and memorize information. Once I realized this, it became clear to me as to why school was not for everyone. If you take a student like me for example, I was a straight A student growing up and was devastated after receiving my first B. That was the first time in class where I felt like I did not understand what was going on...