Appealing to Your Audience

Communication is a very important skill to have, as well as how you are communicating. There are different forms of communication. Communication can be through written text, orally, or non-verbal communication. Which form of communication that you use should be chosen based on who your audience is. For instance, you would not want to write a document for a small child that may or may not be able to read up to a certain level. The best form of communication for this audience would probably be visually since a child’s verbal skills are probably not all the way developed. How you visually appeal to the audience is key in getting the message across and understood. If you are informing an individual of new information about their skeletal bones, a visual media such as an informative video would probably be the best option for your audience. The purpose of a visual media is to better demonstrate or display how something works. For example, the “Bone Remodeling and Modeling” vide...